Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia

The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (in Catalan language Consell de Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya; acronym: DIPLOCAT) – previously known as the Patronat Catalunya Món – is a public-private consortium set up by the Catalan government, the Generalitat. It is devoted to promoting international awareness of Catalonia within the international community through public diplomacy tools. Albert Royo i Mariné was the secretary general of the Diplomacy Council from 14 February 2013 to October 27, 2017 when the government of Spain decided to close the consortium in application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution. Its creation has been controversial, since the constitution reserves external action to the government of Spain exclusively. With the arrival of the new government of the Gener

Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia

The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (in Catalan language Consell de Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya; acronym: DIPLOCAT) – previously known as the Patronat Catalunya Món – is a public-private consortium set up by the Catalan government, the Generalitat. It is devoted to promoting international awareness of Catalonia within the international community through public diplomacy tools. Albert Royo i Mariné was the secretary general of the Diplomacy Council from 14 February 2013 to October 27, 2017 when the government of Spain decided to close the consortium in application of article 155 of the Spanish Constitution. Its creation has been controversial, since the constitution reserves external action to the government of Spain exclusively. With the arrival of the new government of the Gener