Punkie Night

Punkie Night is a Westcountry custom practised on the last Thursday of October related to Halloween in Somerset. Children will march around with a jack o'lantern, singing a song which goes : It's Punkie Night tonightIt's Punkie Night tonightAdam and Eve would not believeIt's Punkie Night tonight There are some variants of this old rhyme which also include these lines: "Give me a candle, give me a lightIf you don't, you'll get a fright" or alternatively: "Give me a candle give me lightIf you haven't a candle, a penny's all right" (Cooper & Sullivan, 1994).

Punkie Night

Punkie Night is a Westcountry custom practised on the last Thursday of October related to Halloween in Somerset. Children will march around with a jack o'lantern, singing a song which goes : It's Punkie Night tonightIt's Punkie Night tonightAdam and Eve would not believeIt's Punkie Night tonight There are some variants of this old rhyme which also include these lines: "Give me a candle, give me a lightIf you don't, you'll get a fright" or alternatively: "Give me a candle give me lightIf you haven't a candle, a penny's all right" (Cooper & Sullivan, 1994).