Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons men's basketball

The Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons men's basketball team is the intercollegiate men's basketball team that represents Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW). They have been a member of the Horizon League since 2020 (departing from the Summit League after thirteen years). Formerly, they represented the now defunct Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW). The team has yet to participate in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. The Mastodons are coached by Jon Coffman and play their home games at the Hilliard Gates Sports Center and the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons men's basketball

The Purdue Fort Wayne Mastodons men's basketball team is the intercollegiate men's basketball team that represents Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW). They have been a member of the Horizon League since 2020 (departing from the Summit League after thirteen years). Formerly, they represented the now defunct Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW). The team has yet to participate in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament. The Mastodons are coached by Jon Coffman and play their home games at the Hilliard Gates Sports Center and the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana.