Pussy ears

Pussy ears is a common name for several plants and may refer to: * Calochortus tolmiei, in the family Liliaceae and native to the western United States * Cyanotis somaliensis, in the family Commelinaceae and native to Somalia, cultivated as a houseplant * Kalanchoe tomentosa, in the family Crassulaceae and native to Madagascar, cultivated as a houseplant * Flower of Calochortus tolmiei * Kalanchoe tomentosa

Pussy ears

Pussy ears is a common name for several plants and may refer to: * Calochortus tolmiei, in the family Liliaceae and native to the western United States * Cyanotis somaliensis, in the family Commelinaceae and native to Somalia, cultivated as a houseplant * Kalanchoe tomentosa, in the family Crassulaceae and native to Madagascar, cultivated as a houseplant * Flower of Calochortus tolmiei * Kalanchoe tomentosa