Qiu Renzong

Qiu Renzong (邱仁宗, c. 1933) is a Chinese bioethicist. He is a senior research fellow emeritus at China's Institute of Philosophy, and chair of the Academic Committee at the Centre for Bioethics at Peking Union Medical College. China Daily writes that he is regarded as the scholar who 30 years ago introduced bioethics to China. Qiu was awarded the 2009 UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science and he shared the Hastings Center's Henry Knowles Beecher Award with Solomon R. Benatar in 2011.

Qiu Renzong

Qiu Renzong (邱仁宗, c. 1933) is a Chinese bioethicist. He is a senior research fellow emeritus at China's Institute of Philosophy, and chair of the Academic Committee at the Centre for Bioethics at Peking Union Medical College. China Daily writes that he is regarded as the scholar who 30 years ago introduced bioethics to China. Qiu was awarded the 2009 UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science and he shared the Hastings Center's Henry Knowles Beecher Award with Solomon R. Benatar in 2011.