Quantum gate teleportation

Quantum gate teleportation is a variant of the one-way quantum computer where quantum gates are applied to quantum states via quantum teleportation. It proves that universal quantum computation can be performed using only single qubit gates, Bell measurements and GHZ states. This makes it convenient for implementations where gates can't be applied directly; like in Linear Optical Quantum Computing where two qubit gates are difficult to implement. For example, the figure on the right shows how a CNOT gate can be applied to states and with a state ( is created before the dashed lines). Since universal fault tolerant quantum computation can be implemented with this protocol, quantum gate teleportation can be used to circumvent the Eastin-Knill theorem. Quantum gate teleportation has been ex

Quantum gate teleportation

Quantum gate teleportation is a variant of the one-way quantum computer where quantum gates are applied to quantum states via quantum teleportation. It proves that universal quantum computation can be performed using only single qubit gates, Bell measurements and GHZ states. This makes it convenient for implementations where gates can't be applied directly; like in Linear Optical Quantum Computing where two qubit gates are difficult to implement. For example, the figure on the right shows how a CNOT gate can be applied to states and with a state ( is created before the dashed lines). Since universal fault tolerant quantum computation can be implemented with this protocol, quantum gate teleportation can be used to circumvent the Eastin-Knill theorem. Quantum gate teleportation has been ex