Rüchardt experiment

The Rüchardt experiment, invented by Eduard Rüchardt, is a famous experiment in thermodynamics, which determines the ratio of the molar heat capacities of a gas, i.e. the ratio of (heat capacity at constant pressure) and (heat capacity at constant volume) and is denoted by (gamma, for ideal gas) or (kappa, isentropic exponent, for real gas). It arises because the temperature of a gas changes as pressure changes.

Rüchardt experiment

The Rüchardt experiment, invented by Eduard Rüchardt, is a famous experiment in thermodynamics, which determines the ratio of the molar heat capacities of a gas, i.e. the ratio of (heat capacity at constant pressure) and (heat capacity at constant volume) and is denoted by (gamma, for ideal gas) or (kappa, isentropic exponent, for real gas). It arises because the temperature of a gas changes as pressure changes.