RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine

The Royal Australian Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine (AVMED) ensures the effectiveness and safety of Australian Defence Forces (ADF) air operations by conducting research and training ADF aircrew to understand and manage the physiological challenges of flight. AVMED is currently staffed by a mixture of uniformed (RAAF and Army) and civilian personnel bringing with them diverse skills in aviation medicine, human factors, and life support. The main functions of AVMED include: AVMED is located at RAAF Base Edinburgh in Adelaide, South Australia.

RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine

The Royal Australian Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine (AVMED) ensures the effectiveness and safety of Australian Defence Forces (ADF) air operations by conducting research and training ADF aircrew to understand and manage the physiological challenges of flight. AVMED is currently staffed by a mixture of uniformed (RAAF and Army) and civilian personnel bringing with them diverse skills in aviation medicine, human factors, and life support. The main functions of AVMED include: AVMED is located at RAAF Base Edinburgh in Adelaide, South Australia.