R v Adams (South Africa)

In R v Adams & Others, an important case in South African criminal procedure, the accused appeared on a charge of high treason. The conspiracy alleged in a part of the charge was an implied agreement and the 'concert and common purpose' alleged in another part of the charge was also an implied agreement, both being sought to be inferred from the same facts. Furthermore, the use of the particle 'and/or' in a charge may increase the need for further particulars but it is not necessarily embarrassing.

R v Adams (South Africa)

In R v Adams & Others, an important case in South African criminal procedure, the accused appeared on a charge of high treason. The conspiracy alleged in a part of the charge was an implied agreement and the 'concert and common purpose' alleged in another part of the charge was also an implied agreement, both being sought to be inferred from the same facts. Furthermore, the use of the particle 'and/or' in a charge may increase the need for further particulars but it is not necessarily embarrassing.