Raf (film)

Raf is a Canadian dark comedy film, directed by and released in 2019. The film stars Grace Glowicki as Raf, an aimless young woman in Vancouver, British Columbia whose life is changed when she befriends Tal (Jesse Stanley), a richer and more motivated woman with questionable motives. The film premiered at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival. The film received a nomination at the Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards 2019, for Best British Columbia Film.

Raf (film)

Raf is a Canadian dark comedy film, directed by and released in 2019. The film stars Grace Glowicki as Raf, an aimless young woman in Vancouver, British Columbia whose life is changed when she befriends Tal (Jesse Stanley), a richer and more motivated woman with questionable motives. The film premiered at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival. The film received a nomination at the Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards 2019, for Best British Columbia Film.