Rajasthani Muslims

The term Rajasthani Muslims is usually used to signify Muslims from the state of Rajasthan in the north-western part of India and speak Hindi, Urdu and Sindhi languages. Indian Muslims like all other Muslims practice the basic tenets of Islam including Namaaz and fasting in Ramazan. Rajasthani Muslims are also punctual of Ramadan and giving Zakat (charity given to poor) and Hajj pilgrimage.

Rajasthani Muslims

The term Rajasthani Muslims is usually used to signify Muslims from the state of Rajasthan in the north-western part of India and speak Hindi, Urdu and Sindhi languages. Indian Muslims like all other Muslims practice the basic tenets of Islam including Namaaz and fasting in Ramazan. Rajasthani Muslims are also punctual of Ramadan and giving Zakat (charity given to poor) and Hajj pilgrimage.