Rama I Government

The first Government of Prime Minister Edi Rama is the 73rd Government of the Republic of Albania formed on 15 September 2013. Following the 2013 election, the Socialist Party-led Alliance for a European Albania won a majority of seats to Parliament and formed the government. There is a record, six women in the government, which is a regional precedent as well. Rama said: "A team has been built with almost 90 percent of people sitting for the first time in the ministerial chair and probably with more women that all the governments of Albania have had all together in these 20 years."

Rama I Government

The first Government of Prime Minister Edi Rama is the 73rd Government of the Republic of Albania formed on 15 September 2013. Following the 2013 election, the Socialist Party-led Alliance for a European Albania won a majority of seats to Parliament and formed the government. There is a record, six women in the government, which is a regional precedent as well. Rama said: "A team has been built with almost 90 percent of people sitting for the first time in the ministerial chair and probably with more women that all the governments of Albania have had all together in these 20 years."