Rayleigh bath chair murder

The Rayleigh bath chair murder occurred in Rayleigh, Essex, England in 1943. The victim was Archibald Brown, aged 47. He and his wife Doris Lucy Brown lived in London Hill, Rayleigh, Essex and had two sons, Eric and Collin. Due to a motorcycle accident Archibald Brown lost the use of his legs at the age of 24 and thereafter required the use of a bath chair and was cared for by three nurses.

Rayleigh bath chair murder

The Rayleigh bath chair murder occurred in Rayleigh, Essex, England in 1943. The victim was Archibald Brown, aged 47. He and his wife Doris Lucy Brown lived in London Hill, Rayleigh, Essex and had two sons, Eric and Collin. Due to a motorcycle accident Archibald Brown lost the use of his legs at the age of 24 and thereafter required the use of a bath chair and was cared for by three nurses.