Real-time testing

Real-time testing is the process of testing real-time computer systems. Software testing is performed to detect and help correct bugs (errors) in computer software. Testing involves ensuring not only that the software is error-free but that it provides the required functionality to the user. Static and conventional methods of testing can detect bugs, but such techniques may not ensure correct results in real time software systems.Real-time software systems have strict timing constraints and have a deterministic behavior. These systems have to schedule their tasks such that the timing constraints imposed on them are met.Conventional static way of analysis is not adequate to deal with such timing constraints, hence additional real-time testing is important.

Real-time testing

Real-time testing is the process of testing real-time computer systems. Software testing is performed to detect and help correct bugs (errors) in computer software. Testing involves ensuring not only that the software is error-free but that it provides the required functionality to the user. Static and conventional methods of testing can detect bugs, but such techniques may not ensure correct results in real time software systems.Real-time software systems have strict timing constraints and have a deterministic behavior. These systems have to schedule their tasks such that the timing constraints imposed on them are met.Conventional static way of analysis is not adequate to deal with such timing constraints, hence additional real-time testing is important.