Reason (argument)

In the most general terms, a reason is a consideration which justifies or explains an action, a belief, an attitude, or a fact. Reasons are what people appeal to when making arguments about what people should do or believe. (Those are reasons in the normative sense.) For example, that a doctor's patient is grimacing is a reason to believe the patient is in pain. That the patient is in pain is a reason for the doctor to do things to alleviate the pain.

Reason (argument)

In the most general terms, a reason is a consideration which justifies or explains an action, a belief, an attitude, or a fact. Reasons are what people appeal to when making arguments about what people should do or believe. (Those are reasons in the normative sense.) For example, that a doctor's patient is grimacing is a reason to believe the patient is in pain. That the patient is in pain is a reason for the doctor to do things to alleviate the pain.