
ReboundTAG is a company based in the United Kingdom providing permanent RFID microchip luggage tags for airlines, companies, organisations and individual business flyers. ReboundTAG is known to have worked with IATA, Alien Technology and Lufthansa in developing the microchip luggage tags and now supplies them globally to companies including Lufthansa, Etihad, Oracle, Facebook, Sony, Hyatt, Intercontinental and Marriott.


ReboundTAG is a company based in the United Kingdom providing permanent RFID microchip luggage tags for airlines, companies, organisations and individual business flyers. ReboundTAG is known to have worked with IATA, Alien Technology and Lufthansa in developing the microchip luggage tags and now supplies them globally to companies including Lufthansa, Etihad, Oracle, Facebook, Sony, Hyatt, Intercontinental and Marriott.