Receptor protein serine/threonine kinase

Receptor protein serine/threonine kinases (EC are enzyme-linked receptors that belong to protein-serine/threonine kinases. The systematic name of this enzyme class is ATP:[receptor-protein] phosphotransferase. Proteins from this group participate in 7 metabolic pathways: MAPK signaling pathway, , TGF beta signaling pathway, adherens junction, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and chronic myeloid leukemia.

Receptor protein serine/threonine kinase

Receptor protein serine/threonine kinases (EC are enzyme-linked receptors that belong to protein-serine/threonine kinases. The systematic name of this enzyme class is ATP:[receptor-protein] phosphotransferase. Proteins from this group participate in 7 metabolic pathways: MAPK signaling pathway, , TGF beta signaling pathway, adherens junction, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and chronic myeloid leukemia.