Recorder (Bible)

A recorder (Hebrew: מזכיר‎ mazkir ), as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, was the office first held by Jehoshaphat in the court of David (2 Samuel 8:16), also in the court of Solomon (1 Kings 4:3). The next recorder mentioned was Joah, in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:18,37; Isaiah 36:3,22). In the reign of Josiah another person named Joah filled this office (2 Chronicles 34:8).

Recorder (Bible)

A recorder (Hebrew: מזכיר‎ mazkir ), as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, was the office first held by Jehoshaphat in the court of David (2 Samuel 8:16), also in the court of Solomon (1 Kings 4:3). The next recorder mentioned was Joah, in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:18,37; Isaiah 36:3,22). In the reign of Josiah another person named Joah filled this office (2 Chronicles 34:8).