Red Rock Coulee

Red Rock Coulee is a Provincial Natural Area in southeastern Alberta, Canada, 54 kilometres (30 mi) south-southwest of the city of Medicine Hat and 26 kilometres (20 mi) south of the hamlet of Seven Persons on Alberta Highway 887. The main feature of this natural landscape is the large spherical reddish boulders (concretions), some of which measure 2.5 metres (10 ft) in diameter. They are scattered across the badlands and coulees, and can be seen along the hiking trails, as well as from the viewpoint on Highway 887.

Red Rock Coulee

Red Rock Coulee is a Provincial Natural Area in southeastern Alberta, Canada, 54 kilometres (30 mi) south-southwest of the city of Medicine Hat and 26 kilometres (20 mi) south of the hamlet of Seven Persons on Alberta Highway 887. The main feature of this natural landscape is the large spherical reddish boulders (concretions), some of which measure 2.5 metres (10 ft) in diameter. They are scattered across the badlands and coulees, and can be seen along the hiking trails, as well as from the viewpoint on Highway 887.