Reflexive sheaf

In algebraic geometry, a reflexive sheaf is a coherent sheaf that is isomorphic to its second dual (as a sheaf of modules) via the canonical map. The second dual of a coherent sheaf is called the reflexive hull of the sheaf. A basic example of a reflexive sheaf is a locally free sheaf of finite rank and, in practice, a reflexive sheaf is thought of as a kind of a vector bundle modulo some singularity. The notion is important both in scheme theory and complex algebraic geometry. For the theory of reflexive sheaves, one works over an integral noetherian scheme.

Reflexive sheaf

In algebraic geometry, a reflexive sheaf is a coherent sheaf that is isomorphic to its second dual (as a sheaf of modules) via the canonical map. The second dual of a coherent sheaf is called the reflexive hull of the sheaf. A basic example of a reflexive sheaf is a locally free sheaf of finite rank and, in practice, a reflexive sheaf is thought of as a kind of a vector bundle modulo some singularity. The notion is important both in scheme theory and complex algebraic geometry. For the theory of reflexive sheaves, one works over an integral noetherian scheme.