Regular complex polygon

In geometry, a regular complex polygon is a generalization of a regular polygon in real space to an analogous structure in a complex Hilbert space, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one. A regular polygon exists in 2 real dimensions, , while a complex polygon exists in two complex dimensions, , which can be given real representations in 4 dimensions, , which then must be projected down to 2 or 3 real dimensions to be visualized. A complex polygon is generalized as a complex polytope in .

Regular complex polygon

In geometry, a regular complex polygon is a generalization of a regular polygon in real space to an analogous structure in a complex Hilbert space, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one. A regular polygon exists in 2 real dimensions, , while a complex polygon exists in two complex dimensions, , which can be given real representations in 4 dimensions, , which then must be projected down to 2 or 3 real dimensions to be visualized. A complex polygon is generalized as a complex polytope in .