
Reimersholme is a small island in central Stockholm, lying to the west of Södermalm and to the south of the neighbouring island Långholmen. As of 2006 Reimersholme is inhabited by 2,324 people, living in 1,527 dwellings, and with an average annual income of SEK 306,500. 12 percent of the inhabitants have a foreign background. Until June 24, 1798 Reimersholme was called Räkneholmen. Its present name refers to (1727-1816), a hatter and magistrate whose estate can still be found on the east side of the island.


Reimersholme is a small island in central Stockholm, lying to the west of Södermalm and to the south of the neighbouring island Långholmen. As of 2006 Reimersholme is inhabited by 2,324 people, living in 1,527 dwellings, and with an average annual income of SEK 306,500. 12 percent of the inhabitants have a foreign background. Until June 24, 1798 Reimersholme was called Räkneholmen. Its present name refers to (1727-1816), a hatter and magistrate whose estate can still be found on the east side of the island.