Reliable Internet Stream Transport

Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is an open-source, open-specification transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy networks (including the Internet) with low latency and high quality. It is currently under development in the Video Services Forum's "RIST Activity Group." RIST is intended as a more reliable successor to Secure Reliable Transport, and as an open alternative to proprietary commercial options such as Zixi, VideoFlow, QVidium, and DVEO (Dozer).

Reliable Internet Stream Transport

Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is an open-source, open-specification transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy networks (including the Internet) with low latency and high quality. It is currently under development in the Video Services Forum's "RIST Activity Group." RIST is intended as a more reliable successor to Secure Reliable Transport, and as an open alternative to proprietary commercial options such as Zixi, VideoFlow, QVidium, and DVEO (Dozer).