
Remigration, or re-immigration, sometimes euphemized as "repatriation", is a far-right political concept referring to the forced or promoted return of non-white (i.e., not ethnically European) immigrants, often including their descendants, back to their supposed place of racial origin regardless of citizenship status. This idea is especially popular within the Identitarian movement in Europe. Most proponents of remigration suggest leaving some residents with non-European background aside from the forced return, based on a vaguely defined degree of assimilation into European culture.


Remigration, or re-immigration, sometimes euphemized as "repatriation", is a far-right political concept referring to the forced or promoted return of non-white (i.e., not ethnically European) immigrants, often including their descendants, back to their supposed place of racial origin regardless of citizenship status. This idea is especially popular within the Identitarian movement in Europe. Most proponents of remigration suggest leaving some residents with non-European background aside from the forced return, based on a vaguely defined degree of assimilation into European culture.