Remote field testing

Remote field testing (RFT) is a method of nondestructive testing using low-frequency AC. whose main application is finding defects in steel pipes and tubes. RFT is also referred to as remote field eddy current testing (RFEC or RFET). RFET is sometimes expanded as remote field electromagnetic technique, although a magnetic, rather than electromagnetic field is used. An RFT probe is moved down the inside of a pipe and is able to detect inside and outside defects with approximately equal sensitivity (although it can not discriminate between the two). Although RFT works in nonferromagnetic materials such as copper and brass, its sister technology eddy-current testing is preferred.

Remote field testing

Remote field testing (RFT) is a method of nondestructive testing using low-frequency AC. whose main application is finding defects in steel pipes and tubes. RFT is also referred to as remote field eddy current testing (RFEC or RFET). RFET is sometimes expanded as remote field electromagnetic technique, although a magnetic, rather than electromagnetic field is used. An RFT probe is moved down the inside of a pipe and is able to detect inside and outside defects with approximately equal sensitivity (although it can not discriminate between the two). Although RFT works in nonferromagnetic materials such as copper and brass, its sister technology eddy-current testing is preferred.