
Resourcesat-2 is a follow on mission to Resourcesat-1 and the eighteenth Indian remote sensing satellite built by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The new satellite provides the same services as the original Resourcesat-1, but was also designed to "provide data with enhanced multispectral and spatial coverage". Compared to Resourcesat-1, LISS-4 multispectral swath has been enhanced from 23 km to 70 km based on user needs. Suitable changes including miniaturization in payload electronics have been incorporated in Resourcesat-2.


Resourcesat-2 is a follow on mission to Resourcesat-1 and the eighteenth Indian remote sensing satellite built by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The new satellite provides the same services as the original Resourcesat-1, but was also designed to "provide data with enhanced multispectral and spatial coverage". Compared to Resourcesat-1, LISS-4 multispectral swath has been enhanced from 23 km to 70 km based on user needs. Suitable changes including miniaturization in payload electronics have been incorporated in Resourcesat-2.