
RethinkDB is a free and open-source, distributed document-oriented database originally created by the company of the same name. The database stores JSON documents with dynamic schemas, and is designed to facilitate pushing real-time updates for query results to applications. Initially seed funded by Y Combinator in June 2009, the company announced in October 2016 that it had been unable to build a sustainable business and its products would in future be entirely open-sourced without commercial support.


RethinkDB is a free and open-source, distributed document-oriented database originally created by the company of the same name. The database stores JSON documents with dynamic schemas, and is designed to facilitate pushing real-time updates for query results to applications. Initially seed funded by Y Combinator in June 2009, the company announced in October 2016 that it had been unable to build a sustainable business and its products would in future be entirely open-sourced without commercial support.