Rhabdosargus holubi

Rhabdosargus holubi, the Cape stumpnose, is a species of fish in the seabream family, Sparidae. It is native to southern Africa, where it can be found mainly along the eastern coast of South Africa. This fish is usually around 15 centimeters long, but specimens of 40 centimeters have been seen. It is a shiny silver fish with a gold line from head to tail. The dorsal fin has 11 spines. The head is blunt and the mouth contains 6 to 8 incisors. The incisors of the juvenile have cusps.

Rhabdosargus holubi

Rhabdosargus holubi, the Cape stumpnose, is a species of fish in the seabream family, Sparidae. It is native to southern Africa, where it can be found mainly along the eastern coast of South Africa. This fish is usually around 15 centimeters long, but specimens of 40 centimeters have been seen. It is a shiny silver fish with a gold line from head to tail. The dorsal fin has 11 spines. The head is blunt and the mouth contains 6 to 8 incisors. The incisors of the juvenile have cusps.