
Rhinelandic is a term occasionally used for linguistic varieties of a region on both sides of the Middle and Lower Rhine river in Central West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It has at least two distinct meanings which often can only be determined from the fine grain context in which the term is used. (This could be complicated at times since in German publications, local languages of villages or cities are commonly referred to as "the dialects" or "dialect", whereas the regiolects, which are dialects of Low German or High German in a linguistic sense, are hardly called so, but referred to using terms like "Rhinelandic", "Hessian," or "Bavarian", etc., that also name large compounds of related local languages) One of the meanings of Rhinelandic is that of a group of loca


Rhinelandic is a term occasionally used for linguistic varieties of a region on both sides of the Middle and Lower Rhine river in Central West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It has at least two distinct meanings which often can only be determined from the fine grain context in which the term is used. (This could be complicated at times since in German publications, local languages of villages or cities are commonly referred to as "the dialects" or "dialect", whereas the regiolects, which are dialects of Low German or High German in a linguistic sense, are hardly called so, but referred to using terms like "Rhinelandic", "Hessian," or "Bavarian", etc., that also name large compounds of related local languages) One of the meanings of Rhinelandic is that of a group of loca