Richard Riddell

Richard V. Riddell is an American lighting designer. He graduated from Knox College with a B.A. with honors in 1972. In 1978, he received his doctorate from Stanford University. He has had extensive teaching experience, working at such schools as the University of California, San Diego, Harvard University. He finally moved to Duke University, where he became vice president as well as university secretary and assistant to the president, Richard H. Brodhead.

Richard Riddell

Richard V. Riddell is an American lighting designer. He graduated from Knox College with a B.A. with honors in 1972. In 1978, he received his doctorate from Stanford University. He has had extensive teaching experience, working at such schools as the University of California, San Diego, Harvard University. He finally moved to Duke University, where he became vice president as well as university secretary and assistant to the president, Richard H. Brodhead.