Riding Mountain House

Riding Mountain House was a Hudson's Bay Company trading post set up to the south of what is now the Riding Mountain National Park, on the Little Saskatchewan River.It was built in 1860 and maintained until 1895, by which time there was little remaining trade in furs.It was near modern-day Elphinstone, Manitoba. The trading post lies on or very near to land currently owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada

Riding Mountain House

Riding Mountain House was a Hudson's Bay Company trading post set up to the south of what is now the Riding Mountain National Park, on the Little Saskatchewan River.It was built in 1860 and maintained until 1895, by which time there was little remaining trade in furs.It was near modern-day Elphinstone, Manitoba. The trading post lies on or very near to land currently owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada