Rites of Assent

Rites of Assent: Two Novellas (Arabic: المهدي وطرف من خبر الآخرة‎) is a collection of novellas of Abd Al-Hakim Qasim. The two novellas were translated into English by Peter Theroux and published in 1995 by the Temple University Press. The works were copyrighted 1984 and published by (Arabic: دار التنوير‎). The short stories are "Al-Mahdi" (Arabic: المهدى‎) and "Good News from the Afterlife" (Arabic: طرف من خبر الآخرة‎ Turaf min khabar al-âkhira). The settings of both novellas are small Nile Delta villages.

Rites of Assent

Rites of Assent: Two Novellas (Arabic: المهدي وطرف من خبر الآخرة‎) is a collection of novellas of Abd Al-Hakim Qasim. The two novellas were translated into English by Peter Theroux and published in 1995 by the Temple University Press. The works were copyrighted 1984 and published by (Arabic: دار التنوير‎). The short stories are "Al-Mahdi" (Arabic: المهدى‎) and "Good News from the Afterlife" (Arabic: طرف من خبر الآخرة‎ Turaf min khabar al-âkhira). The settings of both novellas are small Nile Delta villages.