Rivers and lakes of Armenia

The Rivers and lakes in Armenia are mainly powered by fresh water. Throughout history Armenia has been called Nairi by the Assyrians meaning the "Land of the lakes and rivers". Armenia is home to many rivers and lakes. The largest river of Armenia is the Arax, which lies on the country's border with Iran and a large part of the border with Turkey. Its major tributaries are the Akhurian, Kasagh, Hrazdan, Azat, Arpa, Vorotan and Voghdji rivers. The largest rivers in north west part of the country are the Debed and Aghstev, while smaller ones include the Dzoraget and the Pambak.

Rivers and lakes of Armenia

The Rivers and lakes in Armenia are mainly powered by fresh water. Throughout history Armenia has been called Nairi by the Assyrians meaning the "Land of the lakes and rivers". Armenia is home to many rivers and lakes. The largest river of Armenia is the Arax, which lies on the country's border with Iran and a large part of the border with Turkey. Its major tributaries are the Akhurian, Kasagh, Hrazdan, Azat, Arpa, Vorotan and Voghdji rivers. The largest rivers in north west part of the country are the Debed and Aghstev, while smaller ones include the Dzoraget and the Pambak.