Robert I. Friedman

Robert I. Friedman (November 29, 1950 – July 2, 2002) was an American investigative journalist. In 1993, Friedman castigated the FBI for ignoring information it had developed on the Muslim extremists behind the first bombing of the World Trade Center. The report earned him a Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Award for Best Investigative Reporting in a Weekly. Friedman is probably best known for his writings about violence-prone Jewish fundamentalists and the book “Red Mafiya” about the Russian mob and its entry into the U.S.

Robert I. Friedman

Robert I. Friedman (November 29, 1950 – July 2, 2002) was an American investigative journalist. In 1993, Friedman castigated the FBI for ignoring information it had developed on the Muslim extremists behind the first bombing of the World Trade Center. The report earned him a Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Award for Best Investigative Reporting in a Weekly. Friedman is probably best known for his writings about violence-prone Jewish fundamentalists and the book “Red Mafiya” about the Russian mob and its entry into the U.S.