Robert Parker: Les Sept Pêchés capiteux

Robert Parker: Les Sept Péchés capiteux, translated as Robert Parker: The Seven Heady Sins, written by Benoist Simmat and drawn by Philippe Bercovici, is a French satirical comics album published in October 2010. A slogan on the book's cover reads, "L'Anti-Guide Parker", the antithesis to Le guide Parker, the French term for Parker's Wine Buyer's Guide.

Robert Parker: Les Sept Pêchés capiteux

Robert Parker: Les Sept Péchés capiteux, translated as Robert Parker: The Seven Heady Sins, written by Benoist Simmat and drawn by Philippe Bercovici, is a French satirical comics album published in October 2010. A slogan on the book's cover reads, "L'Anti-Guide Parker", the antithesis to Le guide Parker, the French term for Parker's Wine Buyer's Guide.