Robert Thorpe (Indian Army officer)

Lieutenant Robert Thorpe (1838–1868) was an officer of the British Indian Army. He visited Kashmir during the reign of Maharaja Ranbir Singh and wrote about the sufferings of the Kashmiri people. His writings were compiled into a book titled Cashmere Misgovernment which was later published posthumously in London in 1870. He also appealed to the British soldiers, who raised funds for Christian Missionary Society to send medical help to the Kashmir Valley. This eventually led to the founding of the British Mission Hospital in Srinagar.

Robert Thorpe (Indian Army officer)

Lieutenant Robert Thorpe (1838–1868) was an officer of the British Indian Army. He visited Kashmir during the reign of Maharaja Ranbir Singh and wrote about the sufferings of the Kashmiri people. His writings were compiled into a book titled Cashmere Misgovernment which was later published posthumously in London in 1870. He also appealed to the British soldiers, who raised funds for Christian Missionary Society to send medical help to the Kashmir Valley. This eventually led to the founding of the British Mission Hospital in Srinagar.