Roger (archbishop of Benevento)

Roger of San Severino (died December 1221) was the Archbishop of Benevento from 1179 until his death. He was probably a younger brother of Count , the most powerful lord in the Cilento and a royal justiciar. He may also have been a cousin of Count Robert of Caserta. He was a monk at Montecassino before becoming bishop at a young age. His high aristocratic lineage and monastic vows were both unusual for bishops of southern Italy at the time. He was appointed archbishop of Benevento and cardinal-priest of Sant'Eusebio by Pope Alexander III.

Roger (archbishop of Benevento)

Roger of San Severino (died December 1221) was the Archbishop of Benevento from 1179 until his death. He was probably a younger brother of Count , the most powerful lord in the Cilento and a royal justiciar. He may also have been a cousin of Count Robert of Caserta. He was a monk at Montecassino before becoming bishop at a young age. His high aristocratic lineage and monastic vows were both unusual for bishops of southern Italy at the time. He was appointed archbishop of Benevento and cardinal-priest of Sant'Eusebio by Pope Alexander III.