Rohini (goddess)

Rohini (रोहिणी) is a goddess in Hinduism and the favorite consort of Chandra, the moon god. She is a daughter of Daksha and sister of the 26 other Nakshatras. Of the lunar mansions the asterism Kṛttikā, Revati and Rohini are often described as deified beings and “mothers”. Lady Rohiniʻs name means “the red one”. She, as “the red goddess” (Rohini Devi), is the personification of Aldebaran.

Rohini (goddess)

Rohini (रोहिणी) is a goddess in Hinduism and the favorite consort of Chandra, the moon god. She is a daughter of Daksha and sister of the 26 other Nakshatras. Of the lunar mansions the asterism Kṛttikā, Revati and Rohini are often described as deified beings and “mothers”. Lady Rohiniʻs name means “the red one”. She, as “the red goddess” (Rohini Devi), is the personification of Aldebaran.