Roman Vorontsov

Count (1760) Roman Illarionovich (Larionovich) Vorontsov (1717–1783) was a Full Chamberlain (1746), General-Chef (1761), Senator (1760), Vladimir, Penza and Tambov Governor-General (1778–1783), one of the first figures of Russian Freemasonry. Brother of Chancellor Mikhail Vorontsov and Ivan Vorontsov. He was the owner of the estate Andreevskoe.

Roman Vorontsov

Count (1760) Roman Illarionovich (Larionovich) Vorontsov (1717–1783) was a Full Chamberlain (1746), General-Chef (1761), Senator (1760), Vladimir, Penza and Tambov Governor-General (1778–1783), one of the first figures of Russian Freemasonry. Brother of Chancellor Mikhail Vorontsov and Ivan Vorontsov. He was the owner of the estate Andreevskoe.