Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation

The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is an Italian non-profit organization established in Florence, Italy, on November 3, 1998 by Paolo Del Bianco - who entitled the Foundation to his father Romualdo. The Foundation is funded privately by Paolo Del Bianco. The Foundation promotes tourism awareness and dialogue between cultures. At the moment, the Foundation network counts over 450 academic institutions and universities in 60 countries in 5 continents.

Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation

The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is an Italian non-profit organization established in Florence, Italy, on November 3, 1998 by Paolo Del Bianco - who entitled the Foundation to his father Romualdo. The Foundation is funded privately by Paolo Del Bianco. The Foundation promotes tourism awareness and dialogue between cultures. At the moment, the Foundation network counts over 450 academic institutions and universities in 60 countries in 5 continents.