Ronald Ian Cheffins

The Honourable Ronald Ian Cheffins (born in 1930; PhD; retired) is a professor emeritus of political science and law and the University of Victoria. He was the first lawyer to be appointed directly to the British Columbia court of appeal in 1985. He held the seat until resigning 2 years later in 1987 to return to legal and scholarly practice after finding judicial work too "uncongenial". In 1991 he served as the Vice-Chair on the Law Reform Commission of British Columbia. He is an expert on the Canadian Constitution and has advised five past lieutenants-governor. He is a weekly Friday guest on CFAX 1070's Adam Stirling show, where he discusses both local and world politics.

Ronald Ian Cheffins

The Honourable Ronald Ian Cheffins (born in 1930; PhD; retired) is a professor emeritus of political science and law and the University of Victoria. He was the first lawyer to be appointed directly to the British Columbia court of appeal in 1985. He held the seat until resigning 2 years later in 1987 to return to legal and scholarly practice after finding judicial work too "uncongenial". In 1991 he served as the Vice-Chair on the Law Reform Commission of British Columbia. He is an expert on the Canadian Constitution and has advised five past lieutenants-governor. He is a weekly Friday guest on CFAX 1070's Adam Stirling show, where he discusses both local and world politics.