Rose Naftalin

Rose Naftalin (March 18, 1897(?) – April 16, 1998) was an American chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author. She founded and ran popular restaurants in Toledo, Ohio, and Portland, Oregon. These were especially known for their baked goods, including cinnamon rolls, cheesecakes, and other pastries. After retiring from the restaurant business, she wrote two cookbooks and gained a national following as "Grandma Rose."

Rose Naftalin

Rose Naftalin (March 18, 1897(?) – April 16, 1998) was an American chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author. She founded and ran popular restaurants in Toledo, Ohio, and Portland, Oregon. These were especially known for their baked goods, including cinnamon rolls, cheesecakes, and other pastries. After retiring from the restaurant business, she wrote two cookbooks and gained a national following as "Grandma Rose."