Rosemary Anderson High School

Rosemary Anderson High School (RAHS) is a private alternative high school in Portland, Oregon, United States. It is a program of the (POIC) and is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission. The school was established in 1983. Rosemary Anderson High School East was established in 2012 to serve students in the Centennial and Gresham-Barlow school districts in eastern Multnomah County. The school provides a year-round program that gives students a last chance to earn a high school diploma. The community based programs of the POIC serve youth and young adults through the age of 25.

Rosemary Anderson High School

Rosemary Anderson High School (RAHS) is a private alternative high school in Portland, Oregon, United States. It is a program of the (POIC) and is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission. The school was established in 1983. Rosemary Anderson High School East was established in 2012 to serve students in the Centennial and Gresham-Barlow school districts in eastern Multnomah County. The school provides a year-round program that gives students a last chance to earn a high school diploma. The community based programs of the POIC serve youth and young adults through the age of 25.