Round the Twist

Round the Twist is an Australian children's comedy television series that follows the supernatural adventures of the Twist family. The series was created and produced by Patricia Edgar, and developed by the Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF). It was created with the intention of producing a show that both children and parents could watch. Edgar met with the author Paul Jennings after reading his short story collection Unreal and asked if the ACTF could base a series on his stories.

Round the Twist

Round the Twist is an Australian children's comedy television series that follows the supernatural adventures of the Twist family. The series was created and produced by Patricia Edgar, and developed by the Australian Children's Television Foundation (ACTF). It was created with the intention of producing a show that both children and parents could watch. Edgar met with the author Paul Jennings after reading his short story collection Unreal and asked if the ACTF could base a series on his stories.