Rowland Laugharne

Major General Rowland Laugharne (c.1607 – 1675) was a member of the Welsh gentry, and a prominent soldier during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, in which he fought on both sides. Laugharne served as a page to Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex, and may have served with him in the Dutch war with Spain. Along with John Poyer and Rice Powell, he led Parliamentarian forces in Pembrokeshire during the 1642 to 1646 First English Civil War. from 1643 until the Royalists surrendered in June 1646.

Rowland Laugharne

Major General Rowland Laugharne (c.1607 – 1675) was a member of the Welsh gentry, and a prominent soldier during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, in which he fought on both sides. Laugharne served as a page to Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex, and may have served with him in the Dutch war with Spain. Along with John Poyer and Rice Powell, he led Parliamentarian forces in Pembrokeshire during the 1642 to 1646 First English Civil War. from 1643 until the Royalists surrendered in June 1646.