Ruble sign

The ruble sign, ₽, is the currency sign used for the Russian ruble, the official currency of Russia. Its form is a Cyrillic letter Р with an additional horizontal stroke. The design was approved on 11 December 2013 after a public poll that took place a month earlier. In Russian orthography, the sign almost always follows the number (the monetary value), and in many cases there is a space between the two. In English orthography, it usually precedes the number.

Ruble sign

The ruble sign, ₽, is the currency sign used for the Russian ruble, the official currency of Russia. Its form is a Cyrillic letter Р with an additional horizontal stroke. The design was approved on 11 December 2013 after a public poll that took place a month earlier. In Russian orthography, the sign almost always follows the number (the monetary value), and in many cases there is a space between the two. In English orthography, it usually precedes the number.