
Rugoconites is a genus of Ediacaran biota found as fossils in the form of a circular to oval impression preserved in high relief, six or more centimeters in diameter. The fossils are surrounded by frills that have been interpreted (Wade 1972) as sets of tentacles. The bifurcating radial ribs, spreading from a central dome, serve to distinguish this genus from Palaeophragmodictya, and may represent the channels of the gastrovascular system (Fedonkin & Cope 1985). Fossils of Rugoconites have been interpreted as early sponges (Gehling 1996) although this is countered by Sepkoski et al. (2002), who interpreted the organism as a free-swimming jellyfish-like cnidarian; similar to Ovatoscutum. However, the fossil is consistently preserved as a neat circular form and its general morphology does no


Rugoconites is a genus of Ediacaran biota found as fossils in the form of a circular to oval impression preserved in high relief, six or more centimeters in diameter. The fossils are surrounded by frills that have been interpreted (Wade 1972) as sets of tentacles. The bifurcating radial ribs, spreading from a central dome, serve to distinguish this genus from Palaeophragmodictya, and may represent the channels of the gastrovascular system (Fedonkin & Cope 1985). Fossils of Rugoconites have been interpreted as early sponges (Gehling 1996) although this is countered by Sepkoski et al. (2002), who interpreted the organism as a free-swimming jellyfish-like cnidarian; similar to Ovatoscutum. However, the fossil is consistently preserved as a neat circular form and its general morphology does no