SIMMON (SIMulation MONitor) was a proprietary software testing system developed in the late 1960s in the IBM Product Test Laboratory, then at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. It was designed for the then-new line of System/360 computers as a vehicle for testing the software that IBM was developing for that architecture.SIMMON was first described at the IBM SimSymp 1968 symposium, held at Rye, New York.


SIMMON (SIMulation MONitor) was a proprietary software testing system developed in the late 1960s in the IBM Product Test Laboratory, then at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. It was designed for the then-new line of System/360 computers as a vehicle for testing the software that IBM was developing for that architecture.SIMMON was first described at the IBM SimSymp 1968 symposium, held at Rye, New York.