SPARUL, or SPARQL/Update, was a declarative data manipulation language that extended the SPARQL 1.0 query language standard. SPARUL provided the ability to insert, delete and update RDF data held within a triple store or quad store. SPARUL was originally written by Hewlett-Packard and has been used as the foundation for the current W3C recommendation entitled SPARQL 1.1 Update. With the publication of SPARQL 1.1, SPARUL is superseded and should only be consulted as a source of inspiration for possible future refinements of SPARQL, but not for real-world applications.


SPARUL, or SPARQL/Update, was a declarative data manipulation language that extended the SPARQL 1.0 query language standard. SPARUL provided the ability to insert, delete and update RDF data held within a triple store or quad store. SPARUL was originally written by Hewlett-Packard and has been used as the foundation for the current W3C recommendation entitled SPARQL 1.1 Update. With the publication of SPARQL 1.1, SPARUL is superseded and should only be consulted as a source of inspiration for possible future refinements of SPARQL, but not for real-world applications.