SS Tregarthen

SS Tregarthen was a cargo steamship that was built in Scotland for the Hain Steam Ship Co in 1936. She was sunk with all hands by a U-boat in 1941 in the Battle of the Atlantic. She was the third ship to be called Tregarthen in the Hain SS Co fleet. The first was a steamship that was launched in 1904, sold in 1911 and renamed. The second was a steamship that was launched in 1913, sold in 1933 and renamed.

SS Tregarthen

SS Tregarthen was a cargo steamship that was built in Scotland for the Hain Steam Ship Co in 1936. She was sunk with all hands by a U-boat in 1941 in the Battle of the Atlantic. She was the third ship to be called Tregarthen in the Hain SS Co fleet. The first was a steamship that was launched in 1904, sold in 1911 and renamed. The second was a steamship that was launched in 1913, sold in 1933 and renamed.